
Monday, 19 October 2009

Monday Morning Pike

Back on The Trent this morning for a quick couple of hours and had this lovely fat Pike

Click the pic for full size


  1. Hi,
    I have been browsing your blog, And i would like to say well done on all your catches, But the best for me are the Pike and the Perch, I will look in on you now and then, Just to see what you are catching, Top marks my friend,
    ,,,Paddy Pike,,,

  2. Nice fish TP!

    Paddy Pike.....Great Blog. I have relatives at Crossens & my family are Southport people! The waters are familiar to me, fished them as a boy & The Marine Lake for Dabs & Plaice on course tackle & Lobworms.

  3. Cheers Paddy, all the best to you mate!

    Bazz - I reckon you're overdue for a good un, sometime soon

  4. Probably be a canoe or 8 man rowing boat if I catch a good un haha

  5. Was checking out your blog (those are some really nice pike by the way!) and noticed you had my blog in your links section. Will happily return the favor and drop by your blog quite often. (Mike)
